Public Accountability Report Public Accountability Report

2021 Animal Health and Welfare
Mission Statement Reduce and eradicate animal diseases that are a threat to animals raised for livestock/poultry production. Facilitate trade by ensuring that livestock producers, veterinarians, livestock dealers, auction market operators, and others identify and prevent livestock diseases. Promote the humane care and control of animals by ensuring that pet and livestock owners, pet breeders, and pet dealers identify, correct, and prevent inhumane conditions.
Program Goals and Objectives
  1. 1. Provide comprehensive, consistent, and clear requirements, policies, and procedures.
    1. Survey customers to assess satisfaction with policies and procedures and improve performance.
  2. Provide timely issuance of operating licenses.
    1. Reduce the average time to issue operating licenses.
  3. Provide timely response to complaints about inhumane care of animals.
    1. Respond quickly to all humane care complaints.
  4. Provide professional, consistent, and fair inspections that follow the Department's policies and procedures.
    1. Survey customers to assess satisfactions with inspection policies.
Source of Funds General Revenue Fund, Agriculture Federal Projects Fund Statutory Authority 225 ILCS 605/1 & 20 ILCS 5/6.0
Fiscal Year 2022 Target/Projected Fiscal Year 2021 Actual Fiscal Year 2021 Target/Projected Fiscal Year 2020 Actual Fiscal Year 2019 Actual
Input Indicators
Total expenditures - all sources (in thousands) $ 1,500.0 $ 1,395.5 $ 1,500.0 $ 1,432.2 $ 0.0
Total expenditures - state appropriated funds (in thousands) $ 1,500.0 $ 1,395.5 $ 1,500.0 $ 1,432.2 $ 0.0
Average monthly full-time equivalents 16.0 16.0 16.0 16.0 0.0
Output Indicators
Number of rendering truck permits issued 500.0 498.0 500.0 483.0 N/A
Number of complaints received and tracked in the docket system 500.0 487.0 500.0 352.0 N/A
Number of animal welfare complaints investigated 250.0 253.0 250.0 146.0 N/A
Number of herds/flocks quarantined or restricted due to disease 5.0 3.0 5.0 5.0 10.0
Number of livestock permits issued for import into Illinois 11,500 11,129 11,000 9,181 N/A
Number of Humane Care Act complaints investigated 250.0 208.0 250.0 190.0 N/A
Number of new livestock premises registered 350.0 310.0 500.0 397.0 295.0
Number of livestock dealers, branch locations, and auction markets licensed 180.0 169.0 200.0 173.0 236.0
Number of animal import permits issued 32,000 31,319 30,000 26,017 N/A
Number of animal welfare, rendering, and horsemeat licenses issued 2,250 2,094 2,250 2,020 2,368
Outcome Indicators
Number of livestock dealer, branch location, and auction market inspections performed 15.0 0.0 25.0 4.0 9.0
Number of animal welfare, rendering, and horsemeat license inspections performed 1,500 1,454 1,250 960.0 N/A
Percentage of total previously registered livestock premises updated 0.00% 0.00% 100.00% 6.00% N/A
Number of herds/flocks released from quarantine 5.0 2.0 0.0 4.0 N/A
Number of Humane Care Act complaint investigations closed 225.0 214.0 225.0 192.0 N/A
Number of Animal Welfare Act complaint investigations closed 225.0 241.0 225.0 139.0 N/A
Efficiency/Cost-Effectiveness Indicators
Cost per inspection/investigation performed (in dollars) $ 2,400.00 $ 2,350.00 $ 2,300.00 $ 2,106.00 $ 2,500.00
Cost per license/registration issued (in dollars) $ 23.00 $ 21.00 $ 20.00 $ 18.70 N/A
Explanatory Information

The Bureau of Animal Health & Welfare (Bureau) has two primary animal functions: health, and welfare, as the name suggests. With regard to animal health the Bureau facilitates trade in animal industries by ensuring that livestock producers, veterinarians, livestock dealers, auction market operators, and others identify and prevent livestock diseases. The Bureau also promotes the humane care and control of animals by licensing animal shelters, pet shops, and others, and ensuring that pet and livestock owners and pet breeders and dealers identify, correct, and prevent inhumane conditions by providing guidance and investigating complaints. Variances in the amount of animal welfare investigations conducted is to be expected due to dependency on number of licensees and complaints received.

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