Public Accountability Report Public Accountability Report

2022 Public Utility Program
Mission Statement The health, welfare, and prosperity of all Illinois citizens require the provision of adequate, efficient, reliable, environmentally safe, and least costly public utility services at prices that accurately reflect the long-term cost of such services and that are equitable to all citizens.
Program Goals and Objectives
  1. Minimize entry barriers that limit competition.
    1. Evaluate barriers to market entry.
    2. Assess impact of barriers and develop alternate strategies.
    3. Modify practices to promote competition.
  2. Create a level playing field.
    1. Define a desired model for a competitive market in Illinois.
    2. Identify any necessary legislation to encourage transition to the desired market model.
    3. Ensure Commission activities/actions support transition to the desired market model.
  3. Establish an effective market-monitoring program.
    1. Determine key information needs and the authority necessary to obtain an effective market-monitoring program.
    2. Develop effective processes to evaluate market data.
    3. Take appropriate action based on analysis of market data.
  4. Raise the profile of the Consumer Services Division and of the Commission as the educator and protector of the consumer.
    1. Coordinate with staff in the Attorney General's office on issues involving consumer protection, particularly where there is overlapping jurisdiction.
    2. Have staff from other technical divisions available to assist consumer counselors.
    3. Have counselors spend time in other divisions or work with mentors to expand knowledge of Commission practices to enhance work experience.
  5. Ensure that information on utility, and ICC services in general, is available to consumers.
    1. Update website consumer information.
    2. Make the ICC website consumer-oriented with links to various services for consumers and provide separate sites for practitioners and consumers.
  6. Expand consumer protection options and authority.
    1. Review current authority and identify proposed enforcement legislation.
    2. Promote and expand mediation for dissatisfied consumers.
  7. Establish broad-based stakeholder review groups consisting of industry, professional organizations, and other state and federal agencies.
    1. Create a mechanism for an ongoing dialogue to focus on a core set of objectives to evaluate and recommend changes in law, programs, and processes.
  8. Strengthen the compliance function of the Commission to ensure that companies comply with applicable laws, rules, and orders.
    1. Recruit talented employees by establishing good working relationships with universities and colleges.
    2. Dedicate employees to review compliance with significant laws, rules, and orders.
    3. Work with companies in a proactive manner to encourage compliance rather than focusing on punishment for non-compliance.
    4. Create a work environment that fosters excellence and values employees.
Source of Funds Public Utility Fund, Illinois Underground Utility Facilities Damage Prevention Fund, Wireless Carrier Reimbursement Fund Statutory Authority 220 ILCS 5
Fiscal Year 2023 Target/Projected Fiscal Year 2022 Actual Fiscal Year 2022 Target/Projected Fiscal Year 2021 Actual Fiscal Year 2020 Actual
Input Indicators
Total expenditures - all sources (in thousands) $ 45,004.7 $ 32,375.3 $ 34,557.1 $ 29,608.8 $ 27,572.5
Total expenditures - state appropriated funds (in thousands) $ 45,004.7 $ 32,375.3 $ 34,557.1 $ 29,608.8 $ 27,572.5
Average monthly full-time equivalents 214.0 155.0 161.0 154.0 142.0
Output Indicators
Number of hearings held/hearing notices 1,720 1,692 1,700 1,721 1,662
Number of docketed cases closed 1,700 788.0 1,700 1,657 1,119
Average number of man-days in the field for pipeline safety investigators 93.0 81.0 88.0 84.0 74.0
Number of electric distribution circuits inspected/tree inspections (a) 250.0 245.0 80.0 43.0 10.0
Number of cases filed 1,000 759.0 1,000 897.0 992.0
Number of utility tariff filings 910.0 852.0 900.0 850.0 824.0
Number of non-compliance written by pipeline safety inspectors (b) 350.0 479.0 200.0 151.0 134.0
Number of formal public utility complaints closed 58.0 60.0 57.0 58.0 55.0
Outcome Indicators
Percentage of alternative retail electric suppliers (ARES) certified by the Commission and published within 45 days 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Number of customers switching electric suppliers 1,300,000 1,429,469 1,900,000 1,835,539 1,937,052
Number of gas customers using a competitive supplier 280,000 292,899 275,000 300,642 344,181
Number of gas pipeline safety incidents caused by gas system operator non-compliance 0.0 1.0 0.0 1.0 2.0
Number of investigated gas pipeline safety incidents caused by third-party damage to the pipeline 2.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 2.0
Percentage of consumer complaints and inquiries resolved in a single call 42.00% 42.00% 36.00% 36.00% 41.00%
Number of outage inquiries and complaints to the ICC 93.0 93.0 184.0 184.0 110.0
Efficiency/Cost-Effectiveness Indicators
Number of inquiries/complaints resolved per consumer counselor 783.0 783.0 735.0 735.0 1,009
Cost per man-day in the field for pipeline safety investigators (in dollars) $ 1,982.63 $ 2,234.18 $ 2,792.28 $ 2,822.54 $ 2,909.69
New electric facility safety program established and hiring staff for increased field presence. Fiscal year 2021 inspections were low attributable to COVID-19 restrictions while fiscal year 2022 Actual data was higher than anticipated due to staff able to catchup on COVID-19 related backlogs.

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