Public Accountability Report Public Accountability Report

Illinois Human Rights Commission
(Appropriated Spending in Thousands)
  FY 2022 FY 2021
Reporting Programs Expenditures Headcount Expenditures Headcount
Adjudicate Complaints of Discrimination Under the Human Rights Act $ 2,817.8 23.0 $ 2,554.4 25.0
Totals $ 2,817.8 23.0 $ 2,554.4 25.0

Amounts may not sum to total due to rounding.

Agency Narrative

The Illinois Human Rights Commission was created when the Illinois Human Rights Act (Act) was signed into law on December 6, 1979. The Act created two separate administrative agencies with distinct functions regarding enforcement of the Act: the Illinois Department of Human Rights (Department) to investigate charges of discrimination, and the Illinois Human Rights Commission (Commission) to adjudicate complaints of civil rights violations, in the areas of housing, employment, public accommodations and financial credit. The Commission is dedicated to promoting freedom from unlawful discrimination as defined by the Act. The Act forbids discrimination based on: Age (40+); Ancestry; Arrest Record; Citizenship Status (with regard to employment); Color; Conviction Record; Disability (physical and mental); Familial Status (with respect to real estate transactions); Gender Identity; Marital Status; Military Status; National Origin; Order or Protection; Pregnancy; Race; Religion; Retaliation; Sex; Sexual harassment; Sexual Orientation or Unfavorable Military Discharge. The Act further enumerates the powers and duties of the Commission.

The Commission’s primary responsibility is to make impartial determination of whether there has been unlawful discrimination as defined by the Act.

The Commission consists of seven members Board of Commissioners – a Chair and six Commissioners-who are all appointed by the Governor with advice and consent of the Illinois State Senate. Commission staff includes an Executive Director, who is appointed by the Governor, a General Counsel, a Deputy General Counsel, Assistant General Counsels, a Chief Administrative Law Judge, Administrative Law Judges, and administrative operations staff.

Funding for Fiscal Year 2022

In fiscal year 2022, the Illinois General Assembly appropriated a total of $3.1 million from the General Revenue Fund (GRF) to the Commission including $2.1 million to the Commission and $959,200 to the Illinois Torture Inquiry and Relief Commission (TIRC), for which the Commission provides administrative support, however it is important to note that TIRC has its own Executive Director, staff and volunteer appointed Board. At the end of the Fiscal Year, operational and contingent expenditures totaled $2.8 million.

Fiscal Year 2022 Accomplishments

In fiscal year 2022, the Commission received a total of 383 cases, including: 30 Complainant filed complaints, 73 Department filed complaints, 261 Requests for Review, 4 Defaults and 15 Settlements.  The total number of cases closed/disposed of totaled 506 including 8 Administrative Closures, 86 Final Order and Decisions, 15 DHR Settlements, 325 Request for Reviews, 6 ALS Settlements, 7 Commission Matters and 59 Notices of Exceptions. A total of 2,048 electronic filings were made at the Commission during the fiscal year.

Fiscal Year 2023

During fiscal year 2023, the Commission will continue to focus its resources on adjudicating charges of discrimination under the Act.



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