FY |
FY |
Reporting Programs | Expenditures | Headcount | Expenditures | Headcount |
Department of Juvenile Justice | $ 112,319.2 | 696.0 | $ 107,063.9 | 756.0 |
Totals | $ 112,319.2 | 696.0 | $ 107,063.9 | 756.0 |
Amounts may not sum to total due to rounding.
The Illinois Department of Juvenile Justice (IDJJ) works to provide treatment and services through a comprehensive continuum of individualized educational, vocational, social, emotional, and basic life skills that will enable youth to avoid delinquent futures and become productive, fulfilled citizens. The Department has recently announced the 21st Century Illinois Transformation Model, which focuses on reducing the harm of incarceration by transitioning youth to small, regional residential centers, investing significantly in community wraparound support and intervention services for justice-involved youth, and increasing financial support for victim services in communities that are disproportionately impacted by violence. In 2024, DJJ will be opening a new facility in Lincoln, IL to serve youth in the central region of the state.
Improvements to Education
IDJJ will be focused on enhancing the quality of education for committed youth. School District 428 continues to work collaboratively with the State Board of Education to develop an enhanced educational curriculum and specialized programming and services for committed youth that ensures federal and state educational program compliance. IDJJ will continue to recruit educators and expand its vocational education opportunities for youth in custody. In 2024, DJJ is transitioning one facility to the Phoenix Emerging Adults Career & Education Center (PEACE) to equip graduate young adults ages 17-20 with vocational, career, educational, and life skill development opportunities in a setting that is developmentally appropriate for young adults. There will be a variety of programming opportunities to support each young adult’s successful and sustainable reintegration into the community. IDJJ estimates 25- 30 young adults will participate as the transition begins.
Improvements to Rehabilitative Services
IDJJ will enhance interventions that are proven to reduce recidivism and produce positive youth outcomes. Using the Youth Assessment and Screening Instrument (YASI) model, IDJJ has identified areas of the highest risk for our youth and evidence-based programs designed to address those risks. IDJJ is expanding its rehabilitative programming, including trauma-informed care and mental health services.
Expand and Enhance the Community Services Division
IDJJ will transition Aftercare to the Community Services Division which will be targeted at youth development and successful re-entry into society. The Community Services Division will include partnerships with community-based organizations that provide services to youth. As part of the Community Services Division, more emphasis will be placed on providing a continuum community treatment options including specialized treatment beds, transition beds, community-based placement positions, Day Reporting Centers, and others. The Community Services Division will include new departments specifically focused on family partnerships, victim services, and balanced and restorative justice services