Public Accountability Report Public Accountability Report

2023 Violence Prevention and Reduction
Mission Statement Reduce violence through prevention programming and violence prevention efforts in Illinois. These programs address all forms of interpersonal violence, family violence, youth violence and community safety by applying evidence-based practices.
Program Goals and Objectives
  1. Through the Bullying Prevention programs, address school climates and culture to help reduce bullying of school-aged children.
    1. Through the Ceasefire/Communities Partnering 4 Peace programs, prevent violence (shootings and homicides) through mediation of interpersonal conflicts that lead to initial violent incidents or retaliatory events.
      1. Through Community-Based Violence Intervention and Prevention programs, provide evidence-based direct services to youth and young adults at risk of experiencing or engaging in high risk behavior and violence, with an emphasis on trauma-informed practices.
        1. Through Working 4 Peace programs, provide educational strategies and job credential skills training to prepare young adults experiencing violence, at risk for violence, and those with criminal records, for employment.
          1. Through the Violence Prevention and Reduction (VPR) programs, provides for violence prevention and reduction services and strategies, to mediate and intervene with conflicts, and provide other supports to reduce the shooting and homicide incidents in high need communities.
            Source of Funds General Revenue Fund, ICJIA Violence Prevention Fund, Criminal Justice Information Projects Fund, Illinois State Crime Stoppers Association Fund Statutory Authority 20 ILCS 3930/7
            Fiscal Year 2024 Target/Projected Fiscal Year 2023 Actual Fiscal Year 2023 Target/Projected Fiscal Year 2022 Actual Fiscal Year 2021 Actual
            Input Indicators
            Total expenditures - all sources (in thousands) $ 84,905.1 $ 84,905.1 $ 81,858.0 $ 25,364.9 $ 24,989.1
            Total expenditures - state appropriated funds (in thousands) $ 84,905.1 $ 84,905.1 $ 81,858.0 $ 25,364.9 $ 24,989.1
            Average monthly full-time equivalents 34.0 34.0 29.0 23.0 21.0
            Output Indicators
            Bullying Prevention - Number of participants trained in trauma-responsive school domains (a) 2,725 2,725 455.0 453.0 422.0
            CeaseFire/Communities Partnering 4 Peace - Number of initial mediations performed (b) 3,200 3,191 1,762 1,613 1,762
            Community-Based Violence Prevention - Number of persons served through street intervention, counseling and therapy, case-management and youth development 7,500 7,463 7,910 7,905 10,148
            Safer Foundation - Number of assessed individuals who are enrolled in the Working 4 Peace Program (c) 150.0 143.0 400.0 399.0 60.0
            Violence Prevention and Reduction program participants served (in dollars) $ 70,000.00 $ 60,704.00 $ 60,704.00 N/A N/A
            Outcome Indicators
            Safer Foundation - Number of participants placed in employment (d) 60.0 60.0 315.0 312.0 70.0
            Number of staff demonstrating increased skills and understanding of trauma-informed framework 300.0 224.0 220.0 N/A N/A
            Increased training opportunities led to an increased number of participants. Increased mediations due to increased shooting notifications. Last quarter of fiscal year 2022 showed increase in enrollments. Increased in enrollments in last quarter of fiscal year 2022 led to an increase in employment placements.

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